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Accra In Focus

Events In Accra

So many interesting events are organised in the city on a daily basis. Here are a few of them endorsed by the Assembly

Avenor Electoral Area Inter-Sub Community Quiz

Date: October 8,2022| 10am- 5pm

Venue: Church of Pentecost,Avenor

Avenor Electoral Area Inter-Sub Community Quiz

The Quiz Competition is being organised by the Assembly Member for Avenor Electoral Area in collaboration with Absolute Network.

Mantse Amugi Business Africa 2022

Date: 9th and 10th August ,2022

Venue: Omanye Aba Hall, Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA)

Mantse Amugi Business Africa 2022

A conference and exhibition under the theme: “Realizing the AfCTA benefits and more”

Sister City Partnerships

The Assembly partners other Sister Cities, providing us the opportunity of supporting each other with resources and ideas to help ensure the effective implementation of projects. This will help us achieve sustainable development and also impact positively, the lives of people in the society.

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International Organisational Partnerships

We are also in partnership with various International Organizations to enable us achieve our vision, while we create new business opportunities, build strong international relationships and networks as well as soliciting for grants in aid of developmental projects to ensure the smooth, effective and efficient management of the Assembly.

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