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The city of Accra joined the 100RC Network pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation in December 2014. The 100 Resilient Cities Program is aimed at building the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, sub and systems within a city to survive, adapt and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience. These shocks and stresses could include earthquakes, floods, disease outbreaks, terrorist attacks, high unemployment, challenging transportation systems, sanitation, slums growth or chronic food and water shortages.
The city of Accra is a member of this community of pioneers and innovators ready to build urban resilience across the globe, and has made the commitment by recruiting a Chief Resilience Officer who ensures that all departments and communities work towards achieving resilience in all aspects of their work.
The city released its Preliminary Resilience Assessment on March 27, 2018, and is currently in the process of developing its Resilience Strategy.
Activities carried out:
Developing an energy efficiency strategy to manage public buildings in the Accra Metropolitan Area
Training of Engineers, technicians and other relevant officers of selected public buildings on Energy Management.
Installation of a 5KV Solar System in the Accra Girls Secondary School
Understanding the urgent need for the City of Accra to work on Climate Resilience, we have partnered with the C40 Cities, a network of the world’s mega cities committed to addressing climate change.
The network works with a platform of partners to provide technical support to the City to work on climate adaptation and mitigation. The City is working on developing a Paris Agreement Compliant Climate Action Plan by 2020 as part of its Deadline 2020 commitment.
The city of Accra joins eight (8) networks in the C40 program.
The Mayor of Accra, is one of two Vice Chairs from Africa on the C40 Steering Committee.
Activities Carried Out:
Accra Metropolitan Assembly is implementing the BreatheLife Accra Project under the Urban Health Initiative (UHI) of World Health Organization (WHO). This project is targeted at improving air quality in the metropolis and it is in close collaboration with other agencies including the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and Ghana Environmental Protection Agency. The projects further aim to identify effective interventions and track progress of the health impacts of air pollution.
As part of this initiative the City has signed on to a massive communication campaign; the BreatheLife Campaign to run pilot projects in two selected communities: James Town and Mamprobi within the AMA.
Activities being undertaken include:
100 selected households will be provided with waste segregation bins and trained on how to separate waste .