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Nii Teiko Tagoe

Executive Director, GAMADA


In February 2000, The Government of Ghana approved the THE “OLD ACCRA INTEGRATED URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION FRAMEWORK” as a National a Project and tasked UNESCO to support its implementation.

GAMADA was therefore set up as a quasi-Local Government Agency responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the Ga Mashie 2015 Development Strategy approved by Government as a blue print for the development of Ga Mashie. The Accra Metropolitan Assembly resolved and approved the setting up of the Ga Mashie Development Agency to facilitate the implementation of the UNESCO Old Accra Redevelopment Strategic Framework.

The Ga Mashie Development Agency was set up in 2006. The functions of the Agency include:

  • directing development process in the area,
  • facilitating & moderating stakeholders,
  • funds raising,
  • putting together project proposals for the development of cultural and heritage sites in Old Accra,
  • monitoring programmes and projects implementation,
  • organizing and facilitating training programmes,
  • organising meetings for the Steering Committee (Secretariat for the Steering Committee),
  • Liaise with AMA Departments/Units and governmental agencies, research and educational institutions to carry out their mandate in the area

Projects implemented since inception

Under the supervision of the Steering Committee since its inception in 2007, GAMADA has Implemented following projects in Ga Mashie:

  • rehabilitation of the Ussher Fort Bastion (Phase 1) now a museum on slavery in Ghana. Funds were secured by UNESCO from the European Commission.
  • rehabilitation of the Brazil House with a museum on Brazilian Heritage in Ghana with funding from the Brazilian Embassy in Accra.

In 2010 the Ministry of Tourism released the supervision of the Agency to the Accra Metropolitan Assembly through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. The Ga Mashie Development Agency thus became a Department of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. It has undertaken the following activities since then:

  • Alley paving works:
    GAMADA has with funding from CHF undertook an alley project at Ashaabienaa quarters in Jamestown to improve sanitation and the environment for women, children and the aged. This activity attracted support under the UN-Habitat Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) with funding from the European Commission.
  • The redevelopment of the Akumadjen Park into a mural park was facilitated by the Agency to improve the park for the benefit of the community. Since its completion it is being used for various activities such as community meetings, mass education activities, religious activities and political activities
  • The Agency also organized the provision of musical instruments to the Accra Royal School with funding from an official from the Municipality of Amsterdam. The Agency has collaborated with Regional Institute for Population Studies of the University of Ghana to facilitated researches on Climate Change and Health, Climate Change Adaptation in Ga Mashie.
  • The Agency also organized the first Kpanlogo Cultural Fiesta in September 2012 facilitated the institutionalizing the Chale Wote Street Arts Festival in Ga Mashie. This festival which started modestly has now become an International festival attracting thousands of visitors to Ga Mashie.